Toolbox contents


Data Overview Available templates
profiles cell-staining intensities sampled at each vertex and across 50 equivolumetric surfaces. This is stored as a single vector to reduce the size. Reshape to 50 rows for use. bigbrain, fsaverage, fs_LR (164k and 32k)
white grey/white matter boundary bigbrain (histological and sym), fsaverage, fs_LR (164k and 32k)
sphere spherical representation of surface mesh bigbrain, fsaverage, fs_LR (164k and 32k)
confluence continuous surface that includes isocortex and allocortex (hippocampus) from Paquola et al., 2020. Only available for the right hemisphere. bigbrain
Hist-G* first two eigenvectors of cytoarchitectural differentiation derived from BigBrain, accounting for approximately 41.9 and 29.5% of variance, respectively. bigbrain, fsaverage, fs_LR (164k and 32k), icbm
Micro-G* first two eigenvector of microstructural differentiation derived from quantitative in-vivo T1 imaging, accounting for approximately 59.0 and 10.5% of variance, respectively. bigbrain, fsaverage
Func-G* first three eigenvectors of functional differentiation derived from rs-fMRI, accounting for approximately 12.9, 6.5 and 5.3% of variance, respectively. bigbrain, fsaverage
Yeo2011_7Networks_N1000 7 functional clusters from Yeo & Krienen et al., 2011 bigbrain
Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000 17 functional clusters from Yeo & Krienen et al., 2011 bigbrain
layer*_thickness Approximate layer thicknesses estimated from Wagstyl et al., 2020 bigbrain, fsaverage, fs_LR

Naming conventions

In an effort to standardise and simplify the naming of files across BigBrainWarp, we have adopted the BIDS-like structure of TemplateFlow This means that files likely have a different name than their source. The output of BigBrainWarp is automatically named according to this convention.

Indicator Description
tpl Template of output data. Determined based on the required argument “out_space”.
hemi L for left, R for right. Only included in surface-based transformations where data is separated by hemisphere.
den Density of output data on mesh. Currently only specified for fs_LR, where 164k and 32k options are possible. Can be indicated using the out_den parameter
desc General description of the data. Determined based on the required argument “desc”. In the “Datasets” table above, the desc is given in the first column.

Data origins

BigBrainWarp depends upon collation of data from various sources. We’ll reference these sources throughout the documentation. Here is an overview of the data that was directly used in BigBrainWarp. In other words, this list encompasses data that was not generated specifically for BigBrainWarp.

Source Data Hyperlink Reference
BigBrain FTP 3D_Surfaces BigBrain and BigBrainSym meshes Amunts et al., 2013
BigBrain FTP BigBrainWarp_Support Rotated meshes and MSM registration surfaces for BigBrain, fsaverage and fs_LR (32k) Lewis et al., 2020
“Accurate registration of the BigBrain dataset with the MNI PD25 and ICBM152 atlases” OSF Volume-based transformation matrices and segmentation labels for BigBrain and ICBM. (Not stored in BigBrainWarp repository; automatically pulled with initialisation). Xiao et al., 2019
BIC packages Volume-based transformation matrices for BigBrainSym. (Not stored in BigBrainWarp repository; automatically pulled with initialisation). Xiao et al., 2019
Diedrichsen Lab Github Inflated, sphere and reference sulcus surface maps for fs_LR 32k Van Essen et al., 2012
WashU HCP pipelines Github Reference sulcus map for fs_LR (164k) Van Essen et al., 2012


The bigbrainwarp function calls a range of scripts that may also be helpful for independent use:

  • calculates distance between transformed and set anatomical fiducials
  • called by bigbrainwarp
  • called by bigbrainwarp
  • called by bigbrainwarp
  • collates and saves out intensities into profiles
  • key examples of transformations using the docker installation
  • walkthrough of the toolbox utilities using the github installation
  • estimates accuracy of warp based on anatomical fiducials and region overlaps
  • called by bigbrainwarp
  • called by bigbrainwarp
  • called by bigbrainwarp
  • initialises the environment
  • scripts from Surface Tools that help with loading .obj files
  • nn_surface_indexing.mat: contains mesh decimation output
  • wrapper script to convert .obj surface meshes to a freesurfer style mesh (.pial), which can be loaded into Freeview for visualisation
  • wrapper script for generating staining intensity profiles
  • wrapper script to convert .txt files to.curv, helpful for visualisation with Freesurfer