🛎️ Full article now available online: https://elifesciences.org/articles/70119

Integrating BigBrain with multi-modal imaging

BigBrain is a singular dataset that offers an ultra-high-resolution (20µm) volumetric reconstruction of a sliced and stained post-mortem human brain (Amunts et al. 2013). BigBrainWarp aims to enable integration of BigBrain with neuroimaging and other neurobiological modalities, helping a wide range of neuroscientists to utilise the cytoarchitectural information encoded in BigBrain for multi-scale neuroscientific discovery.

In the toolbox, you’ll find preprocessed BigBrain data, scripts to transform between BigBrain and standard MRI spaces, and a selection of histology-derived feature maps already transformed to MRI space.

Additionally, we’ve created a series of tutorials that illustrate potential workflows for BigBrain-MRI integration.

Tips for Getting Started

  • Read the BigBrainWarp article https://elifesciences.org/articles/70119
  • Watch a recent talk on the motivations of BigBrainWarp https://youtu.be/Stg_R63GyVY (note: the functionality has been slightly updated)
  • Check out the tutorials. They are intended to show interesting ways to use BigBrain with multi-modal imaging and contain extra details on what’s under the hood of the BigBrainWarp.
  • Get in touch if you have any questions 🤙

Core developers

Please drop us a line if you’re interested in contributing!